Seeing by Moving - Workshop

Dancing Museums



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Look at things differently! At details, at the whole, from a different angle. And what about movement? "Seeing by Moving" is an unconventional tour of the Prague City Gallery, that calls your interest and attention not only to the art itself, but also to yourself, other visitors, employees, the floor, the ceiling, a drawer, a cobweb, dust, a ray of light…

The "Seeing by Moving" workshop was created as part of the international research project DANCING MUSEUMS, which Tanec Praha and the Prague City Gallery are a part of, and offers the opportunity to get to know it up close. Each of the two workshops is slightly different. More information about international research project DANCING MUSEUMS can be found here. Held in collaboration with GHMP.

When and Where:
16. 6. GHMP - Troja Château
17. 6. GHMP - Troja Château 


Photo: Dominik Žižka
Photo: Dominik Žižka
Photo: Dominik Žižka
