Inside and Outside


The performance is inspired by Eliška Perglerová's interactive sonic object. An essential component is the question of authenticity and perception of nature and natural phenomena in the middle of the urban environment.

Authors, performers: Mirka Eliášová, Monika Rebcová, Lucie Charouzová

Duration: max.10 min

Mirka Eliášová and Monika Rebcová are experienced dancers, choreographers and teachers working at the dance department of the Music and Dance Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (HAMU). Each has embarked on a unique path: Mirka through long-term collaboration with the Berg Orchestra, and Monika by doing research in Africa and leading the BATOCU group. They invited recent HAMU graduate and student of the Duncan Centre Conservatory Lucie Charouzová to work with them on the Lungs of Žižkov project.
